But before it is no longer this year, while we are still one foot in the 2010 holiday season I will take a breath and a minute to enjoy what was last week. I'll close my eyes and transport myself back to...
The car and the road trip. This was most definitely not the high point of the holiday season. 6 hours in a car is not cool with a 15 month old toddler. And if the roads are craptastic, it is also not cool a husband who is driving.
Me? I'm just trying to capture the moment you know?
I didn't dare say it at the time, because the roads looked just like the trees...but look how pretty the trees were! |
Welcome to South Dakota! |
My parents were a few miles behind us and as they rolled by, they realized it was us out in the elements and they pulled over too. It was us, my parents and the poor family that almost lost a little piece of Christmas to the wind and snow. We caravaned to Webster where they were reunited with their gifts. By the time we rolled into grandma & grandpa's driveway...the long, tense trip was forgotten and we were on a holiday buzz once again. Everything happens for a reason.
And the party started.
We are raising new generations of hard core holiday lovers! |
Everyone got a shot at Santa's lap. Some were more enthusiastic than others.
If babies have swears...he is using them right now. |
We do Christmas Eve in our family. We eat oyster stew and ribbon sandwiches, we drink wine and red beers. We sing duets way out of my range (love you bro) and we snack on my mom's tv snacks for days on end. We pop alot of Tums and Rolaids, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Nature was on a MAJOR holiday high this year in South Dakota. Nothing...not the most sparkly, handcrafted, covered in diamonds and magic reindeer dust ornament could hold a candle to what nature gave us for Christmas.
I couldn't resist giving my hair clip to this tree just for a second, to remind it of spring.
But spring was the last thing on the girl's minds...they were overwhelmed by blinding white piles of crystals and diamonds. This was no city snow, pushed and shoved out of the way, dark and dirty with oil and salt. This was country snow...untrampled.
But only for a moment...
I felt terribly guilty bringing puppy dog back to the city:( |
Actually, I felt guilty about bringing everyone back to the city:(
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Each snowflake was so clearly defined...it was magical. |
But...we did come back to the city and of course...it is nice to be home. I love my month long holiday drunk, because after the party ends, it makes the everyday routine feel soooooo good. And this morning, Liam and I fell back into our comfortable routine. Just me and my boy, in our special morning space no one knows is cool enough to wake up for:)
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Liam explores his soft building blocks and the wonder that is Cat Stevens. |
Master of his domain. |
Maybe a little early...he did more eating of crayons than anything. |
As I leave for the final party...to ring in the new year with loved ones you've now seen so many time in this blog, I thank you for taking time to visit my little photo blog and to read my stories. My heart has been filled again and again by your comments and I hope we find more and more ways to interact here in the year to come. I wish you a very very Happy New Year! XOXOXOXO <3