I am fricka...and this is my nerd herd:

I fancy myself their leader.
I am an only child who never wanted kids. High school was for suckers, but I loved college and a cerebral lifestyle full of political debate and big fat books. I went to college during inarguably the best time to be in college...the 90s. 1990-1994 to be exact. Brooding artistry, grunge, Pearl Jam and Sound Garden, Docs and handmade wool sweaters from Tibet. I loved the freedom to live in a tent if I wanted to. I did that between my junior and senior year of college. I did lots of stuff like that and planned a lifetime of bohemian adventures in exotic locations.
The first of those adventures was to pack up the very little bit I had and move to Arizona on a whim. It was a great start. Unbeknownst to me, I had also packed a baby on board and 30 days into my first exotic travel...she made herself known by way of making me vomit after a cigarette. And suddenly, well, suddenly I am here.
The road from that nauseating smokey treat to the bliss I live in now was long and bumpy. It is a good story, but better told over a beer than the Internet. What matters now...is now.
So here I am, putting stories to photos. I'm not a photographer and I'm not a writer. I am chicka who is often overwhelmed by the beauty of her life. Until recently, I had no idea how to capture that beauty, or how to express my gratitude to the universe for always putting me in the right place and the right time, to lead me to today.
Then my soul mate and I spent ALL our wedding money on a camera for him...the artist. And suddenly...here I am. The camera is now "mine" and I've found a way to celebrate my blessings.