hump day nuggets: little bits of the season in photos and words about the last week. Encouraged to steal this idea from Dig This Chick because she is awesome blossom.
I'm coming live to you from Anniversary High. A location I almost missed due to the minuscule emphasis my husband and I put on "special" days.
It's always been this way, beginning with a mutual dislike for Valentine's Day and an agreement to always boycott it. Somehow all other holidays sort of fell into a semi boycott category by default. Never in regard to the kiddos...just each other.
Maybe it's simply laziness, an excuse to not have to remember and therefore acknowledge these personal holidays. The truth is most of our 9 years together we have been too broke to make much out of any day. And of course this intentional ignoring of these small special days does fly in the face of our whole "VIVA LA FAMILIA!" vibe. But I'm comfortable with that because it frees me from expectations. I can deliver a random memorable day...grown organically from spontaneous goodness. I kind of suck at delivering a planned and well executed "special day" for someone. Not a point of pride, but a fact.
So... consistent with the previous 3 years, we forgot our wedding anniversary. Had we not gotten a card addressed to both of us (which sent us into a tailspin of pondering) we would probably not have remembered this...the exact date of our wedding. Even after opening the card we couldn't quite pin down the exact date, or how many years. We agreed on 3, but the card said "On your 4th Anniversary". We stand corrected.
But.. we did get the card (thank you Grandma Karen!!!) and that spontaneous realization of what day this was, created a memorable night. Unplanned and unorchestrated, we went on a date. I told Autumn mom and dad needed her to watch the baby while we celebrated something we didn't know 24 hours ago. She loved it. She helped me curl my hair and do my makeup. She let me borrow her dress and brought me my boots.
The energy of the moment, mom running in barking orders about pizzas, dishes, baby bathes and dogs while peeling off work clothes. The excitment of two daughters realizing that their parents were going to DO SOMETHING TOGETHER!!!
Annika ran in the bathroom with a tarnished rhinestone butterfly necklace Great Grandma Wattier gave to her:
"Here mom...you can wear this tonight." I did.
The Nuggets are slim pickings this week because all I've been doing is this:
I'm not complaining, it's all good in the hood. I'm just saying the energy surrounding this project has reached a fever pitch and it is eating us all alive. I am too excited.
I don't post pictures of myself often because...why would I? Behind the lens is the place to be. I'm making an exception to illustrate my excitement for my new iPhone 4S.
Who loves their new phone the most?
this chick |
Anniversary food porn. But not much because I promised my husband I would focus. So I got the beginning:
And the end:
And finally, my favorite nugget of the week. My little baby nugget in the hat that may be forever on his head. He loves this hat like nothing else...ever. Thank God it's adorable.
I've been wanting to start a side blog. A photo a day for a year blog. In memory of my Aunt Maria. I can't explain why, except to say that it is just in me and needs to get out.
I'm not promising groundbreaking photography. Just things that I see everyday and want to share with her.
I'm hoping this expedites the healing process.
And honors her legacy.
"love really does make all the difference"
If you are interested you can find it at:
Happy Anniversary baby.