Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be Thankful

Since Wednesday night, I have written at least half a dozen "Thanksgiving" blogs in my head.  I have a little leather journal I carry around and whenever I get an idea...about anything I write it down. So I have been floating through the last 4 days, jotting down notes and picture ideas for the blog. Lots of crazy good stuff goes in my little book.   Sometimes I write down a moment, so that I never forget.  It's much too easy to forget moments like this: 
July 14, 2010
"Pasta night in St. Paul...The girls leave tomorrow for two weeks.  Went for a walk in downtown after we ate sat on a blanket in the park until the sun went down."  

I had no camera and if I remember correctly, my phone was dead.  So I wrote a note to myself..."don't forget this stuff...this is the good stuff."  When I open the book to jot down whatever it is clogging up my head, I always re-read the previous pages and smile and laugh...maybe cry if I wrote something on a blue day.  But I'm always so very thankful it's all there.  Someday when my memory is no longer a trusted friend, who can tell me the stories of my life, my little brown leather journal will, in tiny bite sized morsels:) 

The point here is that it now contains some great material for a "Thanksgiving" blog and I fully intended to spend tonight pouring over the notes, adding the photos I put together for said blog and clicking on that sexy orange "Publish Post" button.  That is always a big moment, the moment I let go of that little blurb of my heart and toss it out into the universe for the world to see.  It's a tough thing for this girl, with the hard candy coated shell.

The "Thanksgiving" blog, mostly done in my head, pictures teed up and ready to go.  And then...this happened:

A gift.  A thank you gift from two of the sweetest souls this soul has ever met.  And suddenly it is not only the most fantastic piece of art in our is my mission statement. is...the "Thanksgiving" blog:) 

Oh...I am.
thankful for a daughter who is my right hand and probably the best big sister ever.

Thankful for big sisters that build awesome forts for little brothers...
And then spend the afternoon reading to him.

Thankful for a daughter that sees the need to do more...and does more. 

For a mother that taught me to celebrate everything with amazing food and laughter.

I try...
To grow healthy food for my family.

To save to save the Ta Ta's

To walk for hope.

To show people how beautiful their lives are.

Ugh...twist my arm.

My mom's red velvet cupcake recipe...x 2 holidays = I may be an addict.

I couldn't stop my self if I wanted to.  And really this one isn't fair to me or anyone who reads this blog.  If I were to post every photo of laughter and smiles in my life...even just this'd stop reading.  How much can one person take?!?!?!?  How about just a couple?

He's too sexy for his bath.

Cracks me up every time...

Like birthday flowers from my girl:) 

And beer:)

Again...too many photos.

Like the beautiful souls who blessed our home with this wonderful gift:

The Longs:)  Thank you!!!  

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
-- Marcel Proust 

It's time for me to go spoon with one of my charming little gardeners.  Happy Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Day Sika!!

Tee hee...

What an awesome way to wake up.  The sun was still sleeping when Liam declared it was time to "Rise and shine!"  I could hear him in the dark, conversing with the bears on his mobile.  Then shuffling around in his big boy bed, then grunting and holding his breathe in concentration as he shimmied out of his big boy bed.  All that work, to stop dead in his tracks when he realizes he is totally free to roam about the room. It must be terrifying for a toddler to suddenly realize he's out of the safety net and alone.  And I wait...because here it comes...~cry...MOMMA! cry~  

It's our usual Saturday morning routine, a quick and quiet roll around on the floor, a sing along with best of the musical books and down the stairs we for me, soy milk for my boy.  Good morning to puppy dog, books spread out, Facebook open.  

Saturday I knew there was a treat outside for us.  It was dark and silent.  That "lots of new snow on the ground" kind of silent.  In the city it's deafening.  City dwellers are not accustomed to silence, there is always commotion, noise, the constant drumbeat of city life.  On a good day, it may be reduced to a loud buzz or hum, but it is almost never silent.  But when it looks like this...

I waited and waited for the sun to come up so I could run my crazy ass outside in my jammies to snap a shot of the first snow!!!  If Liam hadn't been standing at the door scolding me for leaving him inside, I would have laid down right in the middle of the street and made a snow angel.  I did linger a moment though, taking in the silence, the comfort of thick "hotel blanket" of snow.  I have a slight obsession with "hotel beds" ...the all white ones.  White pillow top, white sheets, white down comforter...I love them and this snow was a large scale version of a very cool hotel bed. 

Waiting, waiting waiting for the girls to get up and out of bed.  No matter how many times a child sees snow, the first snow is magic.  It's as if they are unsure if it will come back every year and when it time.  Liam and I started the party with a little snow dance, which woke up Autumn who shuffled into the office, dug the sleep out of her eyes, stuck her nose against the window, smiling... "SNOW!!!"  Minutes later very tired Miss Annika wandered into the office "I hear music...what is going on?"  Snow dance...that's what chica!  Finally I can take some pictures of my own snow angels!

Do you ever look at your babies and just...wonder "how on earth does this person belong to me?"

I do every single day.

"But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me..."

It's Minnesota, it's mid November and I'm a Midwest girl from South Dakota and still every year one of my poor children is missing critical snow gear on the first big snow day.  This year it's poor Lumski. No snow pants, gloves, or boots.  No worries, he was busy honing his Jedi skills with Dad.

And this only gets better and better.  

Turns out my best girl, my best bro and my loving husband had a surprise birthday party planned for me.  And it matters not that the weather conspired against the party, because those that couldn't come sent their love with those that could.  Those of use who did make it brought babies and blankets and snuggled in.  Chili and soup, breads, cheese and need to leave. 

I had my girls.

Plenty of dance partners.

Happy Day Sika!

And in the morning, we were right back at it...minus the wine.  Babies, coffee, chatter.  Busy busy busy making plans for the rest of the day or the rest of our lives, depending on what circle you plopped down in.  Someone says that this is what it's all about, the waking up to your best friend family... Amen. 

It's about babies sharing pillow pets while parents share laughter...

Friends sharing family...

Everyone sharing kiddos...

And of course a delish "recovery" breakfast in our favorite neighborhood.

And tomorrow HAS to be about getting this little man some winter gear...sheesh! baby boys were harmed in the snapping of this photo:)

But it will be hard to say goodbye to the pumpkin hat, skull baby legs and red, white & blue mittens. 
