Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge/ Slice of Life

Curses!!!  I missed the deadline to officially enter this week...curses.  But that won't stop me from sharing one of my favorite photo journalistic photos.  It's all love.

And since I'm breaking rules...why not one more?

I can't be stopped...

That feels GOOOOOOOOD!!! I'm all for a good portrait, but this is the stuff that makes my heart sing.

So much to sing about this week on:


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

so what? I'm still a rock star...I've got my rock moves.

Our life, is always full of things to do or places to go. And the doing and going is great, we love it.  But some of the daily doing feels like mindless movement, lacking creativity or inspiration. But you do them because there has to be some kind of order to life, predictability for small people.  Like...that there will be clean underwear on Mondays, chores after school, homework hour after dinner, dog poop pickup every other day.   Zzzzzz, but necessary.  That is the mom stuff that, for me was learned. It did not come naturally.   Poor Autumn was my guinea pig and it took a few years for me to feel comfortable with predictability and routine.  It still feels like an itchy wool sweater in the summer, but I get it, it must be done.

I also made a classic rookie mom move...I over corrected.  For a second, I was all work and no play and too many parenting books and too many doctors.  Not nearly enough following my mom gut, my mom instinct. The one that told me my girls were mystical creatures, capable of magic.  What a waste of a couple of years.  Slowly I abandoned what didn't feel right to me and kept bits that felt like decent suppliments to my own momma style. And now...with the exception of the aforementioned ho hum "have toos" we pretty much rock some other routines that really matter.  Like chili and cilantro rice every Sunday, weekend morning dance parties, early morning donut runs, barefoot walks in the mud, singing in the rain, sleepovers always needing walking tacos, black nail polish and musical beds for cuddle time.

And the other morning, when I plopped down at my desk with some coffee, long before the sun or my family rose, I was greeted with proof positive that I must be doing a decent job:

There it is.  That is all I need...I'm done:)

For the record I happen to think my kids rock pretty hard too.

Even when they are sick and sleepy, which he has been for weeks now.

Poor baby can't stay awake...during the day.  But at night, oh hell yeah.

Even falling asleep in the shower.  Poor baby boy.

Another momma thing I realized about myself, well into this gig, is that I want to carry the torch of tradition for our family.  I know it's fairly cool to shed the corny traditions of grandparents and parents, but I happen to love the corn.  I'm currently in a mad dash to make sure I perfect the German dishes Grandma makes, can sew a kick ass apron, make enough canned goods for my family to use all winter (have not achieved that yet as I keep getting talked into giving things to poor souls who haven't yet discovered the joy of canning) and keeping a spider plant alive long enough to get those awesome spider baby balls that become plants themselves.  I swear my Grandma has a spider plant older than me.

Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's kuchen.  
Fondue.  NOT a German tradition, but fast becoming a tradition in our "Brosin" family.

Chicken and dumpling soup.

And just for good measure...a little sushi party with the Schapekams.  I know, there is so much that is confusing about that and I was skeptical myself.  Sushi...in New Ulm...in a home...made by a bunch of Germans.  I'm happy to report it was a hoot to make and a delight to eat (no raw fish ...smart move.) Plus, you gotta love big guys in flannel and stocking caps rolling sushi...you have to.

I believe you also have to love vintage toys at Grandmas.
Think these are old enough to have lead in the paint?  That's the only thing messing with my deep deep love for these.

and toddlers who can't stand to be held even for a second.  Especially not for a photo. 

And who love love love Sammy Jammies as after school car treats.
his bibs..."ready to bounce"  that makes me laugh.

Here is something I do not love. Early spring in the upper midwest. Blech. It's dirty and wet and cold and totally bipolar. Today my mom was in a tornado warning during the day and a blizzard warning after sunset. Dumb.

Hideous.  It looks like a giant ashtray snow cone.

But I want to end on more stuff I do love. One big item in particular.

Unexpected waves of peace.

Like last Wednesday when Brandon sent me a text that simply read "Headed to the airport." And just like that warm, comforting, peace washed over me. He was coming home to us. Nine years together and I still miss him even for the 12 hours we spend apart to work. I've got wicked crush on this guy.

Unexpected waves of peace.

Like it being warm enough on our roadtrip to the sushi party to put my barefeet up for a little minivan tanning session. Toasty.
black nail polish:)

Like looking up because you are annoyed with the sun in your eyes and realizing...holy crap it's the SUN!!!

I want to close with a facebook quote from a dear friend who deserves a giant wave of peace and who knows all too well how long and painful the wait for the sun has been this winter.

"Tis the season of rebirth and new beginnings. Welcome, Vernal Equinox, you have been eagerly awaited!"  Todd Mulvihill

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cleaning up after the Frog Princess

When I woke from my 60 day couch coma, I was confronted with this:

For most of the time I was checked out, I assumed my little clan was cruising along on cleaning autopilot, staying on top of potential disasters. I belong to the "nip it in the bud" school of thought when it comes to cleaning and believed I had sent my entire family to this same school. What is the saying?  "never assume..."  In reality they belong more to the "wait until it becomes a problem" cleaning school.  

Also, it never dawned on me that all the couch cuddling I was demanding was taking away from not just my productivity, but theirs as well. I guess I thought that after I passed out at 9pm, they were meeting in the kitchen and dutifully executing house work. And to be fair, they must have been a little, because the well worn path I took from door, to desk, to kitchen and finally couch looked pretty good. Clearly they know my hot spots and took great care to make sure I didn't have to stress about what I could easily see. But the rest of the house...

I could have taken similar photos of any room off the beat and path. And the laundry...oh my stars. The only way I can ensure not cussing a blue streak when discussing the laundry is to go totally poly anna and throw out things like "oh my stars."

In typical type A fashion, I decided the house in shambles had presented us with some great opportunities, teaching moments if you will.  Don't you wish your mom/wife was an HR professional?  In the mess, there were lessons to be learned about:
  • Team building
  • Organization
  • Giving to others via donating...lots and lots of donating
  • Time management
  • Sanitation (gag)
  • Food safety (double super gag...I'm not sure what it was)
  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Kindness...wait...what?
Turns out when your family is trying their hardest to manage a household in the manner you would, it's not very kind to point out every moment they fall short of the glory. It's not very patient to skip over all the things they did do... to point out what they did not. And it takes a great deal of humility to return to your house after walking out in a huff, to hug your husband and say "I love you" and acknowledge that his priorities do not need to mirror yours.  And that even though it may not be my cleaning style, he and the girls did give it a shot:) 

I thought I was "back." I was.. only like the Terminator "I'm back", not the good kind. The terminator wasn't in control for very long, but while it was...EEEEK!  It's hard to admit you are wrong, especially when you are sort of right. But as hard as it may be, I know when I'm wrong and I needed put on my big girl pants and let the girls see an adult apologize, sincerely apologize. So I did and they responded with smiles and new found enthusiasm for getting our home back in order.   We are one week strong with no laundry piled up, tidy (ish) tween bedrooms and floors not adorned with "dog hair" throw rugs:)  NOW I'm back, with the good stuff. 

BONUS to cleaning up 2 months worth of randomly discarded stuff? You can find treasures.   Like the heartfelt poetry of a 10 year old frog princess (I've translated on the right for those of you who don't happen to speak 5th grade spelling very well)

Little miss Annika has a fairly wicked case of dyslexia, so for a very long time she hated reading and writing and flat out refused to even attempt either.  Grammy pants introduced her to Dick and Jane books and pretty bags of books with cool lights and kitty cat book marks...and her whole world changed.  I tried to make it intellectual, Grandma made it awesome.  And look at her now, a poet.

And an artist.

I'm dying for this to be me!!  I need spring and grass and to run around in my favorite skirts and apron with ugly gardening shoes...and a flower in my hand.  

Now instead of begging her to throw away old notebooks, I'm begging her to let me page through them for more treasures, more soul soothing words of wisdom from my Frog Princess.

Other little tidbits of yumminess:

Baby boy...in boy blue...eating blue berries for breakfast.

Watching Annika interview my Dad over the interwebs.

Stolen moments on the kitchen floor after dinner clean up.  Nerf gun = boys bonding.

Stolen moments on the dinning room floor after monster cookies.  Sugar rush + Cars = fun with sisters.

I'm planning some pretty fantastic stolen moments for this weekend!  Some spontaneous, craaazy moments beginning with...skipping work today:P  More to come. In the meantime, you should do something spontaneous and unpredictable today too...it's Friday!

* After posting edit...whatever you do on this blessed Friday, please squeeze in some prayer for the people of Japan.  If not prayer, then whatever you do to throw positive, healing energy out into the universe:) 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Contest/Best Face in February

I don't usually spend a lot of time setting up the shots I choose for this weekly contest, I try to let the photo speak for itself. And all I will say about this little face is that it kept many, many spirits up on what could have been a very heart heavy weekend. She is her Grandma's light here on earth.

More lovely faces at:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

weekends, solidarity and breakfast in bed

For the record...the sparkle? It's back baby!!! There are still some little negatives trying to raise their ugly heads, but to them I say "BRING IT!" The last straw was a 24 hour bout with food poisoning for me and my baby girl Annika last week. It was such a ridiculous thing to happen to a group of people who have been isolated and sick for 4 weeks now. And it made me mad...crazy mad. And in that anger I found the ferocious, protective, strong momma, that has been missing. I dismissed the "sleepy on the couch at 8pm" momma and gave my prize fighting, strong momma a much needed hug, then sent myself on my way with a hearty slap on the rear end...varsity sports style. And like all pumped up athletes, I needed a song.  Thanks to Lady GaGa for providing the motivational dance track for this revival..."Born This Way." Holy buckets that song gets me. Yes, I know what the song is about...and no I don't have anything to announce here today. lol. But between it's inspiring message and my selective use of the lyrics...it is currently my theme song:)

I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
chola or orient made
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to be brave

Don't hide yourself in regret, 
Just love yourself and you're set 
I'm on the right track, baby 
I was born this way, yeah!

"Born This Way" for me means a return to my natural state...optimistic, cheesy happy, positive, alive, awake, aware, curious, taking chances, energized and overflowing with love.  Or...full of the sparkle:)

So it won't surprise anyone to hear that this revival has been fueled by injections of the monster love from my people.  For 2 months now we have all been walking around a little like the living dead, each in our own way, each needing something different to bring them back to the light.  For some it has been alone time, for others loads of family time, dog piling ourselves on each, hugs and hand holding and for some prayer.  At times the loneliness caused by being away from the extended family has been suffocating.  But there has been Facebook and blogs, phone calls and messaging, skyping and webams.  Thank God for technology.  But, come hell or high water, we've been there for each other, through blizzards, sickness and busy work schedules.  And in those moments, the sparkle began it's slow return.  

My dad Mario told me to recharge slowly...it feels better.  In my desperation to return to the old "normal" I poo hooed this idea, how could living like this for even one more day be helpful or healthy.   But, he was right because now this new normal feels earned and more permanent.  It wasn't given to me, I worked for it and I own it. I think we are all getting there.  We have stopped longing for the old normal and are embracing this new one.

So, these moments I'm talking about...the life giving ones, have been crammed into weekends.  These poor weekends have really had alot to deliver, we've put hefty demands on their 48 short hours.  But when you put the right people, in the right places, for 48 hours...well it's a beautiful life.

2 weekends ago:  South Dakota Bound!  Road trip:) 

We gather to hit the road and caravan to the great plains of South Dakota.  My favorite thing about this photo?  It was about 11 degrees out and look at how we are dressed. Gotta love us tough midwesterners:)   If the sun is out...it's warm...period.

Is there anything better than ONE beer at a local greasy spoon on a road trip?  

Do they sell these at Target? 

The long, and not so winding road to South Dakota.

The idea was that we would try to get through some of Maria's things, but we reserved the right to get through nothing if it didn't feel right. We actually managed to do quite a bit, being in her home was comforting and made the task a little easier. But we also spent time just being home and doing the things we don't get to because we live 5 hours away.  Barrett and Chad kidnapped Grandma and Grandpa and took them to the casino, an outing that earned them endless cool points with G & G:)   Teresa and I took Grandma shopping.  I cooked for everyone, Kathy brought delicious food and Grandma and I made halupsie hot dish.  

It was all there, everything we needed, exactly when we needed it.  

Great Grandma and CeCe look at photos.

And find Grandma Maria:) 
I got to photograph some of my favorite little faces.

And got my full fix of Auntie moments.

I also got to let Cece play in my makeup while mom and dad did taxes:)
We celebrated a birthday...

Photograph by one adoring momma Teresa.

I heard singing coming from the bathroom and I so wish I could have captured it for the world to hear later.  I lingered outside the bathroom door for a few minutes with tears in my eyes, just listening to the sounds of this beautiful family.  Some moments are overwhelming, and this one, my brosin in the shower with his amazing wife and precious daughter, singing and laughing, was just that.  I was an unintended recipient of the wave of love and joy coming from that little family in the shower.  It was 100% love coming from them and I couldn't help myself...I had to go in and freeze that moment in time for them...or maybe really for me.

Our snowed in day, spent writing thank yous at the Grandparents house with wine and chocolate cake.  Thank God for blizzards!
Last weekend.  Solidarity & breakfast in bed.

I usually try to leave politics out of my blog.  For those of you who know me, you know this is no easy thing for me to do.  But I'm sharing this time because I took the girls to their first peaceful protest last weekend which provided much more for them than I could have imagined.  They are old enough to know my political leanings, so this was not about trying show them what I believe, but it was about showing them how great our country is, how you can disagree with an idea or person and you can peacefully assemble in protest.  The girls were amazing, they engaged in conversation with individuals handing out fliers, holding signs, listened intently to the speakers and sang America The Beautiful with over a thousand citizens.  They asked smart questions and continued the conversation all the way home.  I always say I'm just trying to raise good human beings...I think they are well on their way.

Full disclosure.  We are a union family, Brandon works for the University system and is in a union.  
And on the lighter side, Miss Annika got up at 6am on made everyone breakfast.  She has never done this.  She was energized by the rally all weekend and went on a good deeds blitz.  And because Daddy gets to sleep in on weekends...he got the added bonus of breakfast in bed.

Annika is the unlucky recipient of "the grace", a disorder that makes us fall randomly, break things constantly and in general we act like we don't have thumbs.  This was a very tense moment, would "the grace" strike? 

Sweet Success!!!

Liam promptly took over the breakfast, smearing pancakes in butter dishes and syrup.

It's good to be the Daddy.
And that brings us to this weekend.  This weekend is super...duper...chill.  I've even spent a good deal of time playing a new video game.  If I'm playing a video game, then you know it is a super...duper...chill weekend.

Raspberries on Dad's iphone...sure, why not? 

Total kiss rejection from Liam.  Must have been the coffee breath.

"Truly Scrumptious" curls.  I've been singing that song all weekend. 

Liam's first encounter with Superman.  

Autumn's one millionth encounter with my camera.  

And it's only Sunday morning.  I'm pretty sure there is some wicked awesome on the agenda today, but I have no idea what it will be.  I know I'm making my second cup of "Donut Shop" coffee (it's either really the best coffee ever or it's name just makes it seem that way)  and that I've jumped out of my chair twice to dance already this morning.  Liam just woke up and in turn woke up Annika, so those two babies are now rocking my morning. 

Annika just asked for a donut run.  So now that's happening:)  

Hope you have a super, duper, chill Sunday with your people <3
