So today I spent the afternoon alone. All by myself, by design. I watched two documentaries and cried from 12pm to 3pm. It was beautiful.
Very well known fact: I am terrible at having a career. I'm good at building one, but I feel like I pay a price. I'm terrible at making "making money" a priority. While I do not like having debt, I prefer to have just enough to have the things you need and a few you want. More than that complicates things. Messes with your priorities...fogs them up.
I say this because another known fact is that I have always felt the urge to do something...BIG. Something BIG for others. Watching those documentaries today brought that back to the forefront of my mind. In both, the individuals had transformed their lives from ones of comfort and excess to enough and altruism. In both cases, they took years to take the leap, to give up the lifestyle they had. "Finally I knew, that if I didn't I'd regret it for the rest of my life." That made me feel good. It is a nagging feeling within me, this feeling that I'm not quite on the right track. But I believe I will know when to change course, I will get a calling of sorts. I just know there is something out there that I'm supposed to do.
Does anyone else feel this way?
For now I funnel that energy into my kids. And recently photography has been an area where I can do something for people. People who cannot afford expense photo shoots, but who want to capture the beauty of their family. Or their children. Or themselves. The size of my heart expands ten fold when I'm shooting someone (EEEK! Is there a better way to say that?) I have a shoot tomorrow and I'm all warm and tingly planning for it.
Not much to say tonight. Just a little spill over from a kind of emotional afternoon alone. I feel like hugging the universe, smiling at the world. I'm full up with cheese.
And my husband is coming home tonight. I'm beaming.
Some photos left over from May to take us into a weekend.
Texting Uncle Barrett |
Window are is totally cool at our house. |
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Miss Annika "Willow" loves her trees:) |