"Suck it up and get it done." That's what my Dad said last week on the local news (so proud of him all the time) and that is exactly what we will do. It's just...how we roll.
So yeah, this feels a little monumental, like another step out of the funk and back into the world. The play lists are cued up, road snacks packed, movies ready to go. Toss on some comfy clothes and hit the open road.
I know I've typed that before and it feels awesome to type it again. I've never been one to complain about the long haul to my family. I really do believe that getting there is half the fun. Even though the roads to SD are well worn and not full of surprises, I find comfort in every landmark that tells me we are that much closer to home. I love stopping at the same places to eat the one favorite item only they make or to stop and use the best bathrooms. I can even tell you which truck stop has the warmest bathrooms in the winter. I'm the walking road trip to South Dakota survival guide right here.
Big trip tomorrow:)
Big trip a couple of weeks ago. To Dragonfly Bay.
A weekend rental on the lake with an extra "party room" building. A big house, party room with a piano and video games, docks to fish from, hiking trails, hot tub, message bed and sauna. A gift of relaxation for an extended family that has taken quite a beating this year. A time just for us and our babies to welcome spring and summer in with lazy mornings and completely unplanned days. Work forbidden, points ignored, make up optional, belly laughs required.
The girls each brought a friend. This is their first traveling sleep over with friends, what a fantastic gift from the best Uncle ever. I spent so much time just watching them, realizing that they would remember this weekend forever. I remember the first weekends I spent away from home with friends in the summer, how free it felt to sleep in a new place, to have no rules about bedtime or a wake up call. I was keenly aware of making sure they got the whole experience, that this would be the benchmark for a weekend at the lake.
There are so many things people try to tell you about being a parent before you are one. And when you are pregnant it's all about the sleep deprivation jokes and warnings about how fast they grow up. But no one tells you how funny your kids will be and how someday after poopie diapers and night terrors, you will want to hang out with them. They will become people who's opinions you respect and who's style floors you.
And our girls have such fantastic friends, who dip a toe in the nerd pool and upon finding it pretty warm and cozy in our family...don't hesitate to jump right in. They contributed desserts and babysitting, dance recitals during our talent show. They take hugs and give them right back, it felt like we just lucked into the best biggest family ever.
The weekend activities flowed organically, inspired by a sight or sound, a quiet moment, the presence of the lake and the absence of any "have tos."
What I did on Memorial Weekend...by fricka:
I had sunrise breakfast every morning with my baby boy, just the two of us early birds.I laughed until I peed at the monkeys for the monkeys. My mom sent fun stuffs for the babies ahead of time and they got to open them the first morning. It is a shame we lose the ability to get this excited about a stuffed monkey.
Or warm bubbly water...
I kicked off my shoes and put my feet up. Let slippery cold mud coat them, cool green grass scrub them "clean" and the warm sunshine bake them toasty warm.
The little feet did that too.
I also just took it all in. Quietly soaking it all up, letting it fill my heart.
Who is the absolute coolest Uncle ever? I think you know the answer. |
Nature makes city babies sleepy.
Yes, we will remember this weekend for a long time.

My favorite moment? It's hard to say. They Murder Mystery dinner set a high benchmark. So cool it will get it's own little blog post in a moment:)
But I let me show you one that may take the title.
My baby girl has had the fishing bug for as long as I can remember. She loves to fish, the peacefulness of it, it calms her very busy soul. And as I stood on a hill, getting ready for a hike, I looked down to see her bathed in fishing peace.
They were not talking, there was no noise, just the two of them quietly fishing.
And catching fish:)
We are a family that loves traditions. As us "kids" get older we have begun to establish new ones, like the "parting shot." A snapshot to commemorate that these people were here together for a time...and are joyful because of it.
Dragonfly Bay 2011 Baby! WOOT!
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