hump day nuggets: little bits of the season in photos and words about the last week. Encouraged to steal this idea from Dig This Chick because she is awesome blossom.
Yup cutting it soo close and eyes sliding shut every time I pause to put a thought together. It's not that I have so much to say tonight or that the little I have to say is so mind blowing it can't wait. But the the baby is asleep, the tweenager's homework is done and the teenager doesn't have any. It's rare I have a moment like this at 9:45pm, no one tugging at my arm needing something.
This precious free hour or two has many "have tos" competing for priority. I could do a couple loads of laundry. Or clean the slobbery Calvin faces off my glass front doors. I could pack for our trip this weekend or clip the dog's nails. Or finally put away the clean clothes laying around my bedroom.
As it is, the only other thing I almost did, was go over to the couch to cuddle with Annika while she watches one of my favorites...Big Fish. If you've not seen this movie, please try to. If you have parents, or loved the stories your grandparents told you, or love the story of your own this movie. It's one of my favorites.

In the last 12 months, in the midst of life changing loss and oh so many moments to reflect on what I was supposed to learn from it, I made the very deliberate decision to stop doing tasks when life gave surprise "free time". I have stopped killing those fleeting moments with pointless chores, focusing instead on filling those bits of time with life. Sweet, peaceful, lovely life.
late night mcnuggets

I got behind camera this weekend to spend a few hours with the most beautiful little family on their farm. I jumped at the chance to put on some boots and meander around their homestead at sunset. I felt a little rusty as I have not done a shoot in months, but inspired by the familiar sites and sounds of the country and the easy way this little family's love came through my camera.

I even got to take a bit of the farm home with me:)

Hump day nuggets is losing the battle for this precious free time. My favorite scene is coming up...the one where everyone from the fantastical stories come to his funeral and his son suddenly knows his father.
My husband is reading in bed, I'd be crazy not to snuggle in next to him and fall asleep listening to his deep voice tell me about what he is reading. I love my time here with words and photos. I could stay, and try, but...I'd rather go snuggle.
And...these are meant to simply be "nuggets":)
Good night.
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