Spring has sprung, the grass is risz. I wonder where, dem birdies is.
Every spring my mom says this. My entire life she has and I have no idea where it comes from. As I was typing it, I wasn't even sure how to spell ris..riz? And now, every spring as we clean up the winter mess and prepare for all that new growth goodness, I say this to my kids. I wonder if they will say it to their babies. I wonder if they will have any babies. Or gardens.
Right now, my head is trying to explode. Earlier today, while sitting in my office my left eye went fuzzy and began to water and I could feel it. A headache was crawling up the left side of my neck, wrapping itself around the base of my neck, squeezing and slithering into my brain. And a headache that acts like that is really trying to dig in, plant it's seed and blossom into a migraine.
The migraine. My mortal enemy.
In middle school, I used to tell my mom tales of mind melting headaches in class. Of blurry vision and near fainting spells. I could smell everything and hear a pin drop in pudding. The environment was overwhelming and frightening with these super hero powers. My mom does not really get headaches so the best I got was "Oh. You're too young to get headaches, it's all in your head." True story, she really told me my headaches were all in my head.
Until one day in study hall, I was in a "near fainting" episode and stood up to ask if I could go to the nurse and....BAM!!! Face first into the library carpet. "Near fainting" graduated to "for real fainting" and thus began my long term relationship with migraines.
The jury is out on if this bad boy will indeed become a full blown migraine or if it's just a wanna be. When I bend over, my left ear crackles, like someone is crumpling up tissue paper. Stay tuned. If I'm blogging from my bed tomorrow, in the dark, with an icepack over my eyes, you will know I'm on a 48 hour date with the devil.
For the last two days I've been carrying around volumes of flowery words for spring in my head, anxious to sit down and write a love song to the spring that has finally broken one of the shortest and most boring winters ever. Two snow storms does not a winter make. One day in snow pants is not the stuff of winter wonderlands and sometime in late January I declared that if winter is going to be this...lame (do the kids still say "lame?") then it should just move over and let spring do it's thing.
And looky here, spring has sprung. 81 degrees today was a bit much, that can wait until May thank you very much. But the 70 degree days can stay and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. Talk me into cleaning the garage on a Monday night after work or spend the entire weekend starting seeds in the house, cleaning up garden spots and pruning grape vines.
It feels so good to be outside in the dirt. I missed it so last year. It hurt my heart to not plant and grow food. To instead just keep the landscaping in check for a future renter. It was double difficult knowing the house we have here in SD has twice the garden spots and was left to grow wild until I arrived. I just did what I could when I got here in late July. But this year, it's all mine baby.
Composter - check
Dog poop composter - check
Rain barrel - check
Bird houses, feeders and baths - check
Toddler gardening gear - check (thanks Grandma)
"Pinning" endless pictures of canned good and garden sheds - check (Pintrest holds all my gardening dreams)
Indoor growing area - check (not for that!!!)
And the star of the show this early spring....drum roll please...............
Were it not for this fracking headache, I would wax poetic about these first 4 days of spring and all my early spring follies. How I've planned and re planned our gardens and how I'm going to grow lettuce for the first time ever.
But sometimes, when you are heavily medicated, it's better to just go to the photos.
Making pancakes for a toddler = cooking peace

Our baby boys becoming little boys = bitter sweet celebrations

I went to pick up Autumn's clarinet and left with the clarinet and these drums.
Spontaneous drum purchase = future full of drum inspired dance parties. Just ask Liam. He was sooo excited.

Just look at him, he can hardly contain himself.
Seasonal coffee mugs, I have to have them. I cannot transition from one season to the next with stale mugs. They don't have to be new, but they do have to be perfect.
Like my bird & flower mug. As I sat on the deck Saturday morning, it was the inspiration for the first 5 plans for the gardens.

What will these gardens be when they grow up?

What will he be when he grows up?

You know, besides a super hero?
For those of you wondering, the score is headache 1 me 0. Time to go.
I leave you with visions of summer brews dancing in your head.

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