But I digress.
The moratorium on travel. My family needs to heal. Needs to just be home, each live their own lives, with their own activities. Autumn can play softball, spend Sunday's with her friends at the coffee house. Annika can go mud bogging in her Wellies with Liam...or without. Brandon can work on projects, take a couple of contract jobs and know I'm not going to insist he be somewhere for days at at time. I can book a couple of spring sessions with people I've been putting off since October. We need to rediscover our true selves, buried beneath one million inches of snow for months now.
Home is good. Home is where the heart is. I happen to have two homes, one here and one in South Dakota. Right now, we need this home. We need to recharge. Our bodies and our minds.
I made a million doctor appointments. Pediatricians, dentists, veterinarians. I scheduled meetings with teachers, daycare providers, my boss and the groomer.
I've walked the dog every other day. He is morbidly obese and needs to lose 27 pounds yes another victim of the raging winter. The walks are doing wonders for both of us. The sunshine is intoxicating. I've never loved the sunshine so much. Never. It's almost like it's the first time I'm experiencing it.
Healing my body. The 20 vials of blood and xrays told us I am fixable. I do not have Lupus or Lyme disease. I have a fantastical vitamin D deficiency which dominoes into other issues. A couple of weeks on a variety of things to boost up my D, B12, Calcium and some naproxen to take the edge off the pain and Dr. says I will be a new person. I'm a week in. It's 10:26pm and I'm awake typing without tears. It may be working.
Healing my mind. Dr. says that just because I spend all day talking doesn't mean I'm really talking about things I need to. Who knew? A few years ago, a Target peer bought me a shirt that said:
"I know...let me drop everything and help you with your problems."
Great HR shirt. I don't blog about it, for a variety of reasons, but my job is very stressful. I work in an environment that frequently leaves me unable to reach a goal. Usually to help someone else enjoy their work. That can be alot to carry around if you are me, and you want to help them. I wish I could not give a shit, but I do. Healing my mind = find someone for me to talk to. Done.And the most effective healing of mind and body for all? Spending time as a family. Spending time just being the nerd herd.
Sunrise with Autumn, first morning hugs. Quiet conversations with my 14 year old little woman. Today we discussed books. It is such a good time for us.
First morning laughs with Liam. He wakes up laughing almost every morning. He injects energy into sleepy mornings. Somehow he knows to let Autumn and I do our thing and brings his little boy magic at just the right time.
Late night cuddles with Annika. We go to bed together almost every night and it ends one of two ways:
"mom...can you go into your bed? You are making me sweaty." or "Annika, go into your bed so your dad can come to bed." But the going to bed is perfection, her face next to mine.
And all day with my sweet husband and his gentle push to do ...nothing. Wicked little smile, urging me to just chill out. But...but...but! I protest. His answer "there's no time." There is time, but let's use it to plan what cutting flowers to plant in our garden.
So yeah...the pictures. They are chill. They are us being home. Just being.
Ask anyone who knows him. Heck, anyone who has ever met him. This is the most laid back guy you will ever meet.
Like father...like son.
His favorite meal of the day is "after school snack." I know it ruins his real dinner, but it's sooo cute I can't say no.
Someone is a super fan of Superman.
This really needs audio for you to understand how stink'n cute it is. He loves flashcards. LOVES them. And he knows what all this stuff is and what sounds they make. But, he has to yell "Whatda!" and pick each one up before he can just tell you.
"WHATDA!!!" |
The BOOTS!!! |
Annika's 11th Birthday was the 12th. My little Aries heart was so easy to please. Keylime pie and fix her computer. We threw in a new game for her. She is such a family girl.
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles... B is for bubbles.
First bubble he's ever made!

And there they are folks! The great healers of my mind, body and soul. The Monkeys.
Bath time should be relaxing for everyone involved:P
It's quiet here.
T minus 17 days until the moratorium on travel is lifted. And there are people waiting. God bless them. 17 days to soak this in before life becomes hectic again. 17 days...Shhhhhh. There's no time.
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