I ran across a link in a Babycenter post that transported me to Florida, into a hospital, into a delivery room to be specific. I sat at my desk at work, sobbing as I read the most poetic, heart wrenching, inspiring birth story ever. And as moving as her words were, her photos were nothing short of a gift. Thus began my love affair with this mommy and her lovely lovely family. I have fallen as madly and deeply in love with her photos and stories as one can on the inter webs, without ever having actually met the person. Her blog was and still is what I wait for every 3 days or so...coffee in hand...bated breathe...will there be a new post?!@?!??!!?!??!
Fast forward to today. The blogosphere is overwhelming. It is massive. It is intimidating. It is full of talented individuals, smart individuals, competitive individuals. I'm totally lost in it, in the lingo:
mommy blogger
product reviews
blog awards
Ad Sense
And I'm lost in the stories and in the strength of these "mommy bloggers"... the strength to tell their stories. Stories of domestic abuse, the loss of a child, infertility, faith in their God, addiction, special needs children...survival. But not just survival. In their writing, there are always inspiring tales of renewal and optimism. I am humbled by my sisters' strength.
I am coming out of a bit of a blog identity crisis. I think I overloaded on blog stalking and started to fear that what I do hear isn't edgy enough, too vanilla. Not enough brutal honesty and swears. I'm playing it safe, I need to let out my pain and anger and invite the world to be part of my healing. I need to take risks and throw myself "out there." These other women bloggers are changing the world one post at a time! They are shining a light on important issues, telling important stories, helping people heal. What am I doing?
I came here innocently enough, just to tell the stories behind my photos. Silly daily life stories of my vanilla, regular old family who I find quite inspiring. But what about my pain and anger? Get it out there man.
Except...I don't have a great deal of pain or anger. And what tragedy has struck in the last year has indeed found it's way here in ways that feel very honest and natural to me. I haven't soft peddled my sadness or grief, it's all right there. When I sit down to write and share photos, I typically come from a peaceful place, a safe and content place I want to share with the universe.
I'm not edgy:( I'm happy:) So be it. Identity crisis over (for now.)
Is there a blog award for "most cheesy, happy, rainbows and butterflies" blog?
I'm back to cooking. My junk food run was epic though and I will always look back on it with fond, fond memories. Wanna know pain? Breaking up with Five Guys and The Wreck from Pot Belly...that is pain my friend.
I hoard Food and Wine Magazines. Since 2002. At one time it was to save the recipies. I have been making a puttanesca base from June 2006 F & W for 5 years now. It has become "my" puttanesca over the years, but full disclosure...it belongs to Food and Wine.
But now they send out one hard back book full of the recipes from the entire year at the end of each year. This is a sexy book to be sure, but there is something about the actual issues that I cannot let go of. I love having then. Someday my kids may be cleaning hundreds of F & W magazines out of my bathroom...hoarder style.
I love books. I love my bookshelf in the morning light. I'm a dork.

The family is also back to going outside. Thank the Gods! Liam thinks his garage sale Wellies are the coolest thing ever. He walks around the house with them in hand looking for a kind adult to help him put on his "boots?" He also is kind enough to bring yours so that you can go outside and stomp around in the
Last year at this time, Lumski couldn't walk! These first "walking around outside" adventures are the bomb! |
Trying to make himself HUGE in his new big world. |
Baby Calvin is also thrilled with the arrival of spring and the disappearance of infrequent, hurried walks. |
My cup runneth over.
Sick baby is not amused...

People are often confused by what my husband does for a living. What exactly does a 3D artist do? This...
Who says men can't multitask? |
Tonight was bath night...always a good time. But the real fun was Liam practicing his "angry baby" face in the mirror for 10 minutes. I can't wait to see when he pulls this one out.
I'm off to build a little nest next to my hubby, snuggle in and pass out. It was a good night.
Yours in peace, love and contentment:)
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